Sunday, October 31, 2010


Hi Tanzanians, it is now six hours to finalize the general election. New President is comming soon, be humble and get prepared psychologically to be led by a new President. I advice you to listen to the redio the feedbacks from different provinces and compare the results.
I send my great thanks and appriciations to you all by showing out love, unity, and democrace demonstration by actions. Real this country is a model for other developing countries in Africa. Peace and harmone is now a key function of the existing kindness to Citizens.
Despite of all political campains, may you predict who is going to be your president among these two?

Dr. Slaa ( CHADEMA )
Dr. Kikwete ( CCM )
Welcome for views and opinions according to general citizens news around your residence. Also you are allowed to predict depending on vote-results from different provinces.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Tanzania General Election

Hallo Tanzanians, use your opportunity to vote to someone who will take care of your current and future national needs. Single day in your life can make a remarkable history everseen, your change is on your hand.
All in all I pray to our Almight God that peace and harmone be restored throughout election day. Don't wait for someone to vote onbehalf of you, get prepared to adapt the changes.