Sunday, December 19, 2010


Just to remind you, make evaluation of what you have done this year 2010. Plan out what are you expecting on the year 2011.
Wishing you,
Lovely christmas to you (photo by Msengi)

Have good cerebration (photo by Msengi)

Friday, December 17, 2010


It has been obvious nowdays that when someone speaks openly about what is right and wrong he/she is in danger of being accused to jail. Referring to most civil wars arround the world is all about someone trying to go against the hidden state's secretes, as a result he/she together with his/her followers are accused.

The Author on Wikileaks website says "WikiLeaks has combined high-end security technologies with journalism and ethical principles. Like other media outlets conducting investigative journalism, we accept (but do not solicit) anonymous sources of information. Unlike other outlets, we provide a high security anonymous drop box fortified by cutting-edge cryptographic information technologies. This provides maximum protection to our sources. We are fearless in our efforts to get the unvarnished truth out to the public. When information comes in, our journalists analyse the material, verify it and write a news piece about it describing its significance to society. We then publish both the news story and the original material in order to enable readers to analyse the story in the context of the original source material themselves. Our news stories are in the comfortable presentation style of Wikipedia, although the two organisations are not otherwise related. Unlike Wikipedia, random readers can not edit our source documents"

He even goes further by stating that "Publishing improves transparency, and this transparency creates a better society for all people. Better scrutiny leads to reduced corruption and stronger democracies in all society’s institutions, including government, corporations and other organisations. A healthy, vibrant and inquisitive journalistic media plays a vital role in achieving these goals. We are part of that media."

This Author is in danger of being accused only because he revealed some important secretes through the media. We have many political leaders who dared to speak out against all sorts of humiliations and bias brought by some Leaders but all ended up by loosing their lives. This is more viewed in African governments. How should we live? by shuttin up our mouth for safety and leave few people dominating the majority? or speak out without fear and loose our lives?